Winter Vaccines: Get your family into good health
Staying up to date on your vaccines and on the latest recommendations are important ways to keep you and your loved ones safe throughout the year. Over 200 million Americans are at a high-risk for severe illness from RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus), Flu, and COVID-19, so work with your Primary Care provider to understand your risk, and to have a plan.

COVID-19: Get your family into good health

Staying up to date on your vaccines and on the latest recommendations are important ways to keep you and your loved ones safe throughout the year. Over 200 million Americans are at a high-risk for severe illness from COVID-19, so work with your Primary Care provider to understand your risk, and to have a plan.
COVID-19: Get your family into good health
Staying up to date on your vaccines and on the latest recommendations are important ways to keep you and your loved ones safe throughout the year. Over 200 million Americans are at a high-risk for severe illness from COVID-19, so work with your Primary Care provider to understand your risk, and to have a plan.

A message from our Chief Medical Officer
Jane Pauley Community Health Center wants to make it easy for you to keep yourself and your family healthy from seasonal viruses that spike in the fall and winter. To be up to date you need to get these vaccines as they come out. We currently have Flu vaccines at all locations, and have RSV and COVID-19 vaccines available at select JPCHC locations. Please call us or your JPCHC Practice Location for details and to schedule a vaccine appointment.
Most everyone over 6 months of age is able to receive the Flu vaccine, and we encourage all to do so. The RSV vaccine is recommended for pregnant women to protect their newborns, and for those over 60 years of age, to protect themselves from severe illness. Flu cases surge every winter and those with chronic disease or other underlying conditions should protect themselves as much as possible with a yearly flu vaccine.
Dr. James Bien
Chief Medical Officer

Why stay up to date?
Hear from our trusted healthcare Providers why staying up to date with the latest COVID-19 vaccines remains important to your health.
Help yourself and help those you love by protecting yourself with COVID-19, RSV, and Flu vaccines.

Your best information sources
We continue making progress against COVID-19. For the latest information, including vaccine details, mask recommendations and what to do if you feel ill, visit:
- Center for Disease Control (CDC) COVID- 19 Guidance page (available in other languages)
- For information in Spanish: CDC en Español
- Indiana State Department of Health Vaccine Information & Planning
Getting vaccinated remains the best way to protect yourself and your family. Vaccines are safe and effective and reduce your risk of severe illness. Vaccination also limits the spread of disease which helps keep your community safe.
Learn more about the benefits of getting vaccinated plus all the most up-to-date information on available vaccines and who should get them at the:
Read more information on kids and the COVID-19 vaccine and boosters from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
The CDC recommends that everyone 6 months and older get and stay up to date on their vaccines and booster shots. Find full details on available vaccines and what is recommended for each person here.
Yes! We have testing available for patients with symptoms at their appointments in all locations, as Providers deem necessary. The updated COVID-19 vaccines will soon be available at select JPCHC locations.
To find other testing or vaccine locations, please visit the Indiana State Resource COVID- 19 website for additional details on finding a vaccination and testing location near you
The CDC also launched the “COVID-19 Testing Locator” website, which will allow consumers to find free COVID-19 testing sites near them.

Symptoms of COVID- 19 range from mild to severe and seeking medical care is the best way to ensure you are taking the right steps to protect yourself and others from serious illness. Schedule an appointment with your provider to discuss available testing as well as recommended treatments and care guidance. We have virtual appointments available as well as face-to-face.
We also recommend visiting the CDC website for guidance on caring for yourself and/or others in your family who may be sick with COVID- 19.
JPCHC has a COVID-19 Safety Protocol that has been in place since the beginning of the pandemic. At present, we are continuing enhanced cleaning efforts and:
- When the COVID-19 pandemic surges, masks are required for our staff and providers.
- Patients with respiratory symptoms are expected to wear a mask when they enter our clinics. (If you do not come with a mask, one will be provided.)
- Select areas of our practices have enhanced ventilation to reduce the potential for spread.
- Telehealth visits are also available.
- Please ask your location for details.